Positive Learning Experiences - The Good Care Group

Positive Learning Experiences

In the Training team, we are always very excited to hear about positive learning experiences that our Professional Carers have had. It’s great to be able to pass on recommendations for courses, learning, training  providers, or simply to enjoy the successes of our colleagues.  Earlier this month, Region 3 Care Manager Kerrie Wayland contacted us to share the success(s) of one of her team members, Emilia Thanki.

Emilia recently completed her annual refresher training, but has also undertaken additional training in “Personal Resilience” and “Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management”. Still not satisfied, Emilia has also enrolled in “TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Team Leading” (offered by The Skills Network) and intends to complete 2 further additional courses on Learning Pool – “Reducing Unsupervised falls” and “End of Life – tier 1”.

Amazed not only by what Emilia has been doing, but also what she intends to do, we asked her if she would share a little more about her impressive attitude towards her learning and development:

“I am a bit of a bookworm with a passion for learning.  All my life I have been highly curious and passionate about knowledge! Applying and enrolling in study programs is one of the ways to continuously challenge and improve myself towards becoming a more conscious-whole person.

Working for TGCG has been both a great privilege and a humbling experience in achieving my professional goals. There’s so much room for improvement and continual growth if only we are committed to reach our dreams and goals! I find it greatly rewarding to invest in my studies while progressing in my career and working for TGCG is the perfect way of achieving professional growth as there are so many opportunities for us to apply in many diverse fields of varied interest.

TGCG has supported me in achieving my goals in career progression and I feel that as we are all working as a part of a team, the achievements of one reflect the achievements of all.  As a great organisation, I think TGCG makes sure that we all feel validated by and engaged in the structures of the company, by offering equal, fair and inclusive opportunities for everyone, whilst allowing us to have a voice and express ourselves.  To take pride in what we do means commitment in reaching for “outstanding”, through high standards, ethical practice and through our values.

To achieve goals, we need to plan what they will be. Goals provide motivation and direction to our studies making it easier for us to keep a well structured routine. One of the best ways to keep a good balance between self care and professional life is to engage in improving and updating our skills, to promote a positive mental attitude of resilience, wellbeing and professionalism.

Combining work and studies can be an overwhelming process and structuring effective management techniques is the best way to achieve maximum potential in the long-term, reaching towards my goals.  Before beginning, it’s vital to consider your current attitude towards our studies, and to believe that you can do it! This way of thinking will make the next steps and ultimately, our studies, easier. We must focus on our goals and the reward that we will get for investing our time and resources in our studies. We also need to continually review our priorities for maximum impact.

Creating a schedule is essential to the successful organisation of our studies and, for me, it works best to wake up quite early in the morning, with plenty of time ahead of starting my working day, so that I can be fresh and fully focused on my scheduled plan of studies. To increase my energy levels, I drink plenty of fluid and eat small portions of light nutritious food while avoiding sugary snacks. At night, I enjoy reviewing all the work I did and adjust my schedule for the next day. A good night’s sleep is also essential in improving our memory, alertness, focus and attention.  Our study environment has a powerful effect on the way we work and what we can achieve. So, I keep my desk clean, tidy and well organised to keep myself motivated and prevent any distractions. A good source of light is important to make reading easier.

To implement structure in my studies, I like to maximise my productivity by taking regular short breaks between study and body movement. Usually, I study in one hour sections, and then take a ten minute break to stretch my legs and relax my mind.  On my break, I enjoy going on a walk, gardening, doing meditation, tai-chi or yoga. I organise my study into small goals that all add up to my big goal. These daily smaller goals are more easily achieved and feed my motivation levels. When I achieve my planned goal, I like to reward myself with a treat – anything, from watching a brilliant documentary, to reading a new chapter of that thrilling book that I am just about to finish.

Discussing our dreams and goals with family and close friends can be an interesting way of keeping a healthy perspective, and to brainstorm new/ creative ideas and projects that can touch on a range of different interests. I take great interest in volunteer work and love getting involved in worldwide charity activities – especially those connected with promoting the rescue and well being of animals. 

With current technology, there has never been a better time to work with all the resources that are available to achieve our maximum potential. I find TGCG’s Learningpool, My Community Groups, the Weekly Carer Community Digest for Training and the Operations Update to all be important sources of information and forums where we can easily share advice, exchange the best learning resources and enroll in interesting Learning. My Care Manager and TGCG Training Team are also great sources of inspiration, motivation and insight for me!”

We would like to thank Emilia, not only for taking the time to put together such a well worded article for us, but also for sharing such positive feedback about Learning and Development at TGCG. Kerrie is certainly very lucky to be able to work with Emilia in her team – our values of expertise, teamwork and professionalism are really evident in her attitude and in her article.

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