Majority feel deeply attached to their homes, but third think moving into care is inevitable - The Good Care Group

Majority feel deeply attached to their homes, but third think moving into care is inevitable

A new study of 2000 homeowners in the UK has revealed the profound emotional connection people have to their homes, with the majority (65%) saying they have an unbreakable connection to it while over a third (41%) consider their property to be ‘crucial’ for their mental health.

However, despite this deep attachment, a third (30%) believe transitioning into a care home is inevitable, suggesting viable alternatives of live-in care, are either unfeasible or are being overlooked.

The study found that for over half (56%), the home represents ‘irreplaceable’ memories, it’s where their kids grew up (36%) and where happy moments have been enjoyed with their partner (37%).

The time spent making their property ‘just right’ is also a key reason for the strong attachment people have to their homes, whether that’s hanging pictures of loved ones on the walls (45%) or creating a relaxing garden space (35%).

Over half (58%) said they would be ‘devastated’ if they had to move away to somewhere else.

Alison Ritchie, 68, from Livingston, had to take early retirement due to multiple-sclerosis impacting her life and now receives support from a live-in carer. She said:

“I love gardening, it’s my passion and where I spend much of my time during the summer months.

“It’s so full of memories – including a table and chair from the 1920s which was given to my father by my mother, and a shed built by my late husband Phil – it still has his tools in it.”

Brian Howlett, 88, from Devon, said:

“I’ve lived in my house for 60 plus years – it’s where my children grew up and where I lived with my wife.

“And where I have pursued my hobby – I used to be an amateur radio operator and would talk to people all over the world in my radio room.

“I still have my Axminster radio all these years later and couldn’t bear to be apart from it.”

However, the study also found that the majority of people (67%) are unaware live-in care options for older people is an option, highlighting a significant gap in awareness that could support people to maintain their independence as they age.

Darren Kennedy, Managing Director of The Good Care Group, said:

“Almost all of us have spent our entire lives living in just a handful of homes, bringing up families, being brought up by our parents and growing up with siblings along the way.

“We are incredible at making attachments to things, whether that’s pets, the wallpaper, memorable objects or the view of the garden.

“Our homes are where we have spent thousands of hours, filling them with material things that are precious to us, as well as irreplaceable memories.”

The news comes as record numbers of people are waiting for planned care and treatment, with over 7 million people on elective care waiting lists in June 2023. The CQC has said that many end up having to go to hospital due to a lack of other viable options.

The new labour government is promising free social care via a National Care Service, and ministers are currently considering a cross-party Royal Commission on elderly care, begun by the Blair government, but which was dropped due to costs.

Amid fears that plans will continue to be delayed, both the sector and individuals are calling for increased clarity on the funding options to address the issue of people being unable to stay at home into their old age.

Darren continued:

“A solution to the care crisis in the UK is becoming increasingly urgent and the new labour government must act now to ensure older people, the fastest growing segment of the population, are able to age in place, ensuring their wellbeing, while alleviating pressure on an already strained healthcare system.”


  1. Pictures of loved ones on the walls
  2. Comfortable furniture
  3. Things you’ve collected
  4. Pets
  5. Personal decor
  6. Sharing my home with a loved one
  7. Gardening
  8. Photographs and art
  9. View from the home
  10. Signs of children or grandchildren enjoy living or visiting there, like artwork they’ve done, or items they love
  11. Handmade items
  12. Personalised spaces

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