At The Good Care Group we are committed to finding ways to ensure that our newly recruited Carers feel confident and comfortable in their role. That’s why earlier this year we launched our Buddy Scheme. Every Carer joining our team is paired with an experienced Professional Carer who provides invaluable support and knowledge to help you during the first few months as a Professional Live-in Carer.
We’re pleased to announce the Buddy Scheme has been a success from both sides. One of our Carers, Gabriela, shares some wonderful feedback regarding her Buddy, Bradie.
“Thank you so much Rosalie (Care Manager) for giving me Buddy, Bradie. She has been of tremendous help in settling me in this company. She took me through the many processes of using the ChromeBook. It has been easy for me as she gave me the times and days of her availability so we could chat. She supported me all day when I was having a tricky day with my client. She kept giving me ideas to use and calmed me down a lot. She is so good and always on the end of the phone for a chat. Thank you so much for this scheme”
It is fantastic to see the difference having a Buddy has made to the confidence of our new Professional Carers and it has been lovely to see each Buddy match blossom.
The support doesn’t stop there! Ongoing training and development opportunities are available for you to reach your full potential. We also have our online Carer Community forums which help you stay connected with your colleagues. Experiences are shared, as well as advice, tips and best practice on everything from the latest care techniques to delicious home-cooked recipes.
If you are interested in joining a supportive team, we think there’s nowhere better than The Good Care Group. Apply today by clicking here or call our team on 0203 728 7570.