What is Nurse-led Care and How Can it Improve Treatment?

What is nurse-led care and how can it improve treatment?

Learn more about nurse-led care, the types of methods deployed and how they can improve treatment processes with a little help from our friendly team.

Nurse-led care is a form of social care for people with complex health and social care needs.

This form of care places an increased onus on meeting health outcomes. It’s overseen by a qualified nurse, who provides supervision and clinical support 24/7.

This method plays an important role in preventative care, too. As such, nurse-led care is an effective way to help older people maintain independence and avoid further deterioration. It can also aid recovery and rehabilitation following illness or injury.

Nurse-led care ensures someone is on hand to provide companionship and assist with domestic duties, as well as overseeing:

  • Condition assessment and monitoring
  • Pain evaluation and treatment
  • Medication management
  • Interdisciplinary care collaboration
  • Information and consultation services

Nurse-led care is administered by carers who are highly experienced in providing complex care, often relating to the treatment of a specific condition. The carers are overseen by a specialist nurse, who provides clinical supervision and support.

It’s recommended for a wide variety of conditions, depending on severity and treatment requirements.

However, nurse-led care is most often associated with conditions such as dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and cancer, or stroke rehabilitation and palliative care.

How does nurse-led care improve treatment?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key ways nurse-led care can improve ongoing medical treatment standards:

1. Easing hospital transition

After leaving hospital, you or your loved one may be less able to complete tasks around the home. You might also have to learn how to administer a complex new routine relating to medication, treatment or physiotherapy.

With nurse-led care, your home can be suitably prepared prior to discharge. The carer will then help you commence ongoing treatment in line with doctors’ instructions, as quickly as possible.

2. Enhancing treatment administration

Managing multiple medications and ensuring the accurate administration of all treatments is challenging. However, following doctors’ instructions will increase treatment effectiveness and reduce secondary risks.

Nurse-led care gives you access to the expertise and assistance needed to administer treatment at the right times and in the right ways. Carers can also watch out for any adverse effects and act accordingly.

3. Assuring condition management

Using their knowledge of specific conditions, nurse-led carers can help to monitor your condition, produce accurate assessments and document the development of your symptoms.

Carers can then intervene with a view to alleviating immediate symptoms and preventing any potential incidents. These insights also help your physicians tailor your treatment towards your individual needs.

What’s unique about The Good Care Group’s nurse-led care services?

At The Good Care Group, we aim to facilitate, rather than dictate your daily routine, helping you maintain as much independence as possible while also providing the highest standard of care.

Rather than requiring you to move into a residential care facility, we can provide exemplary medical care within your own home. This keeps you close to family, friends, cherished possessions and your local community.

All our nurse-led care services are overseen by Dr Jane Pritchard, a specialist and senior dementia care nurse with almost two decades of experience. In addition, each member of our care team undergoes comprehensive training with leading experts before being placed with a client.

Knowing what care options are available helps ensure you choose the model that best supports your independence and ongoing medical treatment. With these factors in place, you can feel confident of enjoying the best possible quality of life for longer.

Learn more about our nurse-led care standards and how this model could help improve treatment for your loved one. Speak to the friendly team at The Good Care Group.

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