Training and support Archives - The Good Care Group

The Good Care Group – Travel Guide

At The Good Care Group (TGCG), we place great emphasis on ensuring the comfort and convenience of our carers. We understand that travelling to and from your placement can sometimes feel challenging, which is why we have designed a comprehensive


5 ways live-in care supports privacy for older people

One of the unique and highly beneficial aspects of live-in care is its ability to provide a greater degree of privacy for older people. Preserving privacy is not just about maintaining physical boundaries but also about upholding dignity and autonomy,


Dementia training for carers

Dementia training for carers At The Good Care Group, we provide dementia training and dementia courses for all our Professional Carers. Our induction classroom training is mandatory and must be completed before you start to care for a client. We ...

14 Packing Tips For Carers Coming To The UK

1. Make a list Worried you may forget something essential? Create a list of everything you will need and check items off as you pack. This will ensure all essential items are in your bag and ready to go. 2.


Our live-in carers are equipped to spot infection early

How we are enabling effective prevention and detection of infections within our live-in care service. Image 1 illustrates the different trajectory for a client with a UTI pre and post implementation of urinalysis kits The first key learning from the


Why dementia care demands a SPECAL approach

One in six of us will develop dementia at some point during our lifetimes. For a condition that affects so many, it is surprising that we’re only just beginning to take steps towards understanding and trying to minimise its negative


“Where are my things?”

You have arrived in your new placement, you’ve spent some time getting to know your client, you’ve familiarised yourself with the layout of the house and where most things are kept. However, it just isn’t the way you would organise


Enquiry – Floating Button