Parkinson's Disease Care Archives - The Good Care Group

Live-in care for Parkinson’s

Caring for a loved one living with Parkinson’s can be challenging as the condition progresses. However, a Parkinson’s diagnosis does not mean that an individual has to move out of the home they love. An alternative option to moving into


The Cost of Parkinson’s Care

The cost of Parkinson's care At The Good Care Group, we know through our experience in helping many families plan home care over the last 10 years, that the cost of Parkinson’s care is a significant consideration. We are upfront ...

The benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s disease

The benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s disease While regular exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, it is especially important for individuals living with Parkinson’s. For people diagnosed with Parkinson’s, regular exercise can provide special ...

Parkinson’s care

Parkinson's care What is Parkinson’s? Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition that causes problems in the brain that gets worse over time. Over 145,000 people are living in the UK with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s, so there are many families ...

Promising trials for Parkinson’s gene therapy

A new type of gene therapy devised by Professor Nicholas Mazarakis, head of Gene Therapy at the Division of Brain Sciences at London’s Imperial College, has revealed results of its first human tests in The Lancet. The therapy, designed to


An overview of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s Awareness Week, organised by UK charity Parkinson’s UK recently took place (11th – 17th April 2011). It is designed to raise awareness of the condition and reassure and support people Parkinson’s Awareness Week, organised by UK charity Parkinson’s UK


Could new protein stop Parkinson’s Disease?

Scientists at the MRC Centre for Developmental and Biomedical Genetics (CDBG) and the Sheffield Institute of Translational Neuroscience (SITraN) at the University of Sheffield have discovered a new protein which could be key in the fight against Parkinson’s. Scientists at


Could folic acid help to treat Parkinson’s?

Research recently carried out in Leicester indicates that folic acid could be beneficial in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. The research has received coverage on ITV and has also been published in the journal Nature. Research recently carried out in


Enquiry – Floating Button