Activities for older people | The Good Care Group

Spring activities for older people

Use this list of activities for older people to keep your loved one active and socially engaged in the spring sunshine.

Helping arrange and host activities for older people can be exceptionally rewarding for everyone involved – especially when spring has sprung.

The season is a great opportunity to get out and enjoy nature, be active and spend quality time socialising with friends and relatives. Here’s a list of senior-friendly ideas to get you started:

1. Take a walk

The simplest way to enjoy the spring sunshine is to get out and take a walk.

Now’s the time to find a park or nature reserve and watch the bluebells and snowdrops make way for daffodils. And, with the worst of the weather now passed, walking poses far fewer risks for older people facing mobility challenges.

2. Have a picnic

A picnic is a real treat for anyone, combining light exercise with much-valued social interaction.

You can keep things local, or load up the hamper and make a day trip of it. Conjure memories of old times by visiting a favourite spot and packing some of the foods they love.

3. Tend the garden

It’s the time of year when everything’s bursting into bloom.

Gardening can be a convenient and enjoyable form of exercise for older people. Whether it’s planting new seeds, separating bulbs, dead-heading flowers or visiting the local garden centre, a spot of gardening could be the tonic you both need.

4. Watch the wildlife

Nature comes out of hiding in the spring sunshine.

Observe animals out in a natural spot, in nearby paddocks or fields – even in your own garden. Just put out some bird-feeders and wait to see what lands.

Animals played a much greater role in people’s lives in years gone by, and spending time with them can bring back fond memories for older people.

5. Afternoon tea outdoors

With temperatures moderated and the sun shining, spring is perfect for afternoon tea in the garden.

So, set a date, invite over friends and family, get out the good china and enjoy a good catch up. Encourage them to help with the preparations wherever they can so they feel a real affiliation with the event.

6. Exercise in nature

Exercising outdoors will help your loved one keep active and give them a change of scenery.

There are so many great options to choose from. Golf and outdoor bowls are both low-impact sports with a real social aspect. Tai chi is another option that can also improve suppleness and dexterity in older people.

7. Visit old haunts

The weather can keep older people cooped up throughout much of winter.

During these months, they might well have had time to reflect on times past. Spring brings a chance to get out and explore places they used to frequent. This can elicit cherished memories and even provides an opportunity to meet up with old friends.

Through our live-in care services, The Good Care Group helps older people stay as active, socially engaged and independent as possible. Call on our friendly team to find out more.

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