Random Acts Of Kindness Day - The Good Care Group

Random Acts Of Kindness Day

Today gives us the chance to celebrate where our carers have gone above and beyond for their clients and each other. This year, we’ve asked our carers to share their ‘Acts of Kindness’ stories with us.

One of our carers, Stacey, has been caring for S for quite some time now and recently had an idea that she thought S would like. S lives in Edinburgh and has been a client of The Good Care Group for over seven years. S has dementia and experiences very low moods. Stacey saw that S liked playing with a little doll. Stacey asked the client’s family for permission to purchase a life-like doll in the hope that S would like to have another doll to enjoy.

Research shows that dolls can be of great benefit for certain individuals with dementia, especially in the later stages. They can promote feelings of relaxation and pleasure, and are considered a form of therapy – not merely ‘playing’ with a toy. 

According to Dementia UK, ‘caring’ for a doll can also give people with dementia a renewed sense of purpose. This can have a positive knock-on effect on their energy, activity levels and mood.

It’s always good to see that our carers are thinking about their clients’ happiness and working to improve their feelings of well-being.

We are proud to say our carers treat their clients as individuals and our care is highly personalised to ensure they can live well in the way they wish.


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0203 728 7577

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